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June 2024
FACT CHECK: The Truth About Biden’s Failed Presidency
House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force Examines Budgetary Effects of Increasing Patient Access to Cell and Gene Therapies
Biden’s 20 Percent Inflation Tax Costs American Families Over $17,000 Per Year
FACT CHECK ALERT: Debunking CRFB’s Analysis of Trump and Biden Impacts on the National Debt
House Budget Committee Holds Roundtable to Assess Implications of AI for the U.S. Economy and the Government
Bureau of Economic Analysis: GDP Growth for Q1 a Low 1.4 Percent
Chairman Arrington Joins Squawk Box to Sound the Alarm on the Out of Control Debt
The Conference Board: Consumer Confidence Weakens in June
CBO and JCT Confirm the Debt-Driving Cost of Biden’s Plan to Permanently Expand Obamacare Subsidies for the Wealthy
Congressional Budget Office Updates Baseline: Deficit Spending is 27 Percent Higher Than Previously Estimated
House Budget Committee Holds Hearing to Sound the Alarm on Looming Medicare and Social Security Insolvency
Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Remarks at Hearing on “Medicare and Social Security: Examining Solvency and Impacts on the Federal Budget”
Chairman Arrington Joins Kudlow on Fox Business to Discuss the Importance of Smart Fiscal Policies
Economy Continues to Struggle: Fed Makes No Change to Interest Rates
Inflation Stagnates: Doubts on Future Economic Growth Remain
Chairman Arrington & Oversight Task Force Chair Bergman Request CBO to Analyze Full Cost of President Biden’s Executive Actions
Chairman Arrington Joins Neil Cavuto’s Coast to Coast to Discuss President Biden’s Failed Leadership & Broken Promises
May Jobs Report: Labor Force Participation Drops from April
Chairman Arrington Announces House Budget Committee Policy Director
President Biden’s 180 on Border Security: Political Showmanship and Broken Promises
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