Press Releases

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May 2023
Arrington Opening Statement on Removing the Burdens of Government Overreach
New Polls Find Americans Support Spending Cuts in Debt Ceiling Solution, Don’t Trust Biden with the Economy
Arrington on CBO Baseline
Arrington Opening Statement at "Exposing the Woke, Wasteful, and Bloated Bureaucracy" Hearing
Arrington on CBO's Mid Fiscal Year Analysis
ECON 101: Historic, Skyrocketing Inflation and the Interest Rate Hikes That Followed
A Nation in Crisis: Democrat Spending Accelerates Debt Ceiling Deadline
Arrington on CBO's Sobering Default Estimate
April 2023
Arrington on this Month's Inflation Report
House GOP Leadership Statement on Passage of the Limit, Save, Grow Act
Arrington: This Is Where the Reckless Spending Stops
Arrington Urges Passage of Limit, Save, Grow Act
Arrington Testifies Before Rules Committee on Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023
Arrington Introduces Republican's Responsible Debt Ceiling Proposal
House GOP Leadership Statement on the House GOP Plan to Address the Debt Ceiling
Every Day is Tax Day in Biden’s America
Arrington: Americans Paying Price for Administration's Denial on Inflation
Arrington: Non-Partisan CBO Provides Another Wake-Up Call
March 2023
Arrington on Bleak Outlook for Social Security and Medicare
Arrington: Policies Have Consequences
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