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September 2022
CBO Confirms Competition & Transparency Lowers Health Care Prices
CBO Confirms Democrat Handout to Multiemployer Pension Plans Puts Taxpayers on the Hook for BILLIONS More
CBO Reports $400 Billion Price Tag for Biden’s Welfare for the Wealthy Student Loan Cancelation Scheme
Smith Op-Ed: Thanks to Democrats, the IRS Is Coming to Your Front Door
Smith: House Republicans’ Commitment to America Will Get America Back on Track After Reckless One-Party Democrat Rule
CBO Confirms Families are Falling Behind in Biden’s Economy
Spending-Fueled Spike in Prices and Rising Interest Rates Are a One-Two Punch to American Families
Smith Resolution Requesting White House Documents on Biden Stimulus Checks Sent to Illegal Immigrants, Convicted Criminals, Foreign Citizens Blocked by Ways & Means Democrats
Biden Administration Put on Notice Over Its Executive Action Overreach
CBO Confirms Biden's Agenda Will Worsen Economic Crisis Caused by Democrats’ Failed Policies
As Latest Consumer Price Spike Continues to Squeeze Middle-Class Families, Washington Democrats Cheer Spending that Will Drive Prices Higher
Fact Check: Biden Brags About Deficit Reduction While Adding Nearly $10 Trillion in New Spending
Federal Government Continues to See Record Revenues from Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Despite Biden Recession
Congressional Scorekeeper Confirms Inflation Act Doubles Down on Democrats Inflationary Spending Spree
IRS Exposes More Confidential Taxpayer Information as Democrats Reward Agency with $80 Billion
Smith Op-Ed: Biden’s Spending Spree Has Supercharged Washington’s Power Over The American People
August 2022
Congress is Spending Hundreds of Billions on Zombie Programs, According to CBO
What They Are Saying: Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation is a Giveaway to the Wealthy, Increases Inflation, Adds Hundreds of Billions to the Taxpayers’ Tab
CBO Confirms Inflation Act Unleashes IRS Audits and Enforcement on Families Making Less Than $400,000
Biden Administration Cancels Debt for Wealthy Borrowers at More Than $330 Billion Cost to American Taxpayers
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