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August 2022
Smith Op-Ed: The Inflation Reduction Act Will Prolong & Make Worse Biden’s Inflation Crisis
Biden Cheers Handouts to the Wealthy & Big Corporations, Fueling Inflation Crisis While Slamming Middle Class with More Taxes & Audits
Democrats Vote to Increase Inflation, Raise Taxes and Audits on Middle-Class Americans, & Throw Green New Deal Handouts to the Wealthy
CBO Confirms Democrats' Plan for More IRS Audits Will Hit Americans Earning Less Than $400,000
Tax Scorekeeper: Democrats Inflation Act Hits Families Making Under $200,000 with $10.6 Billion Tax Hike
FACT SHEET: The Inflation Act Adds Billions of Immediate Debt while Attacking America’s Families, Businesses, & Finances to Serve the Democrats’ Liberal Policy Agenda
As Inflation Crisis Continues, Democrats Push More Spending, Taxes, and Debt
As Americans Suffer in Biden’s Inflation Recession, Democrats Prioritize Hundreds of Billion for Green New Deal
Smith Statement on Senate Passage of Democrats’ Inflation Act
Smith Op-Ed: Democrats Should Heed Their Own Advice — Don’t Raise Taxes During A Recession
The Truth about the Democrats’ Inflation Act
Democrats’ Inflation Act: Spend Today, Save Later (Maybe)
Democrats’ Inflation Act Empowers IRS To Audit and Harass Hardworking Americans
CBO Confirms Democrats’ Plan Won’t Reduce Inflation, Showers Benefits on Wealthy, and Harms America’s Economy
Congressional Scorekeeper Confirms Democrats’ Reconciliation Bill Raises Drug Prices
As Democrats Ready More Inflationary Spending, CBO Confirms Biden’s Inflation Crisis Already Added $2.5 Trillion to the Cost of Servicing Nation’s Debt
As Americans are Paying Nearly $6,000 for Biden’s Inflation Tax, Democrats Plan to Raise Taxes More on Those Making Less Than $400,000
FACT SHEET: Democrats’ Inflation EXPANSION Act Increases Debt by $114 Billion
July 2022
Scorekeeper Confirms Nearly Half of New Taxes in Democrats’ Proposal Fall on U.S. Manufacturers as America Spirals into Recession
Sen. Manchin’s Favorite Budget Model: “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Increase Inflation
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