Press Releases

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June 2022
Exposing Biden’s “Deficit Reduction” Dishonesty
Delegation Led by House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith Sees Firsthand the Cost of President Biden’s Border Crisis
May 2022
Amidst Rampant Reports of COVID-19 Spending Fraud and Misuse, Republicans Demand Answers from Biden’s “Pandemic Prosecutor”
House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith Announces Visit to U.S. Southern Border
America’s Budgetary & Economic Outlook Deteriorating Under One-party Democrat rule
New CBO Report: America’s Fiscal Health Getting Worse Under Biden
Smith, Palmer Call Out Health Secretary Becerra for Misleading American People About Radical “Anti-Racism” Rule And Its Effect on Patient Care
Proposal to Lower Medicare Age Portends the Threat to Seniors From Democrats’ “Medicare for All” Scheme
Biden Bailout Bill Spending Continues to Flow and Threaten Higher Inflation
Biden's Deficit Deceit
GAO Report Outlines Billions in Potential Executive Branch Savings While Biden Instead Pursues Billions in Executive Branch Spending
Smith: Biden’s Focus on Inflation is a Day Late and Many Dollars Short
Democrats' Narrative Falls Flat in Face of Facts: Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Yields Historic Government Receipts
GAO Report Warns of Impact of Growing Interest Rates on Nation’s Fiscal Health
As Biden Inflation Crisis Pushes Interest Rates Higher, Smith Details Impact on Federal Budget
April 2022
Smith: Our Economy is Shrinking Under President Biden
Biden’s Defense Budget Focuses Billions on Climate Change, “Extremism” in the Military, and “Equity” as Border, Inflation, and Global Crises Rage On
Smith Opening Statement: President Biden's DOD FY23 Budget
Biden Spending Billions on Costly Student Loan Waivers, Pushing Bailouts for the Wealthy
Biden's FY23 Budget: Border Crisis
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