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April 2022
Smith: Biden’s Inflation Crisis Has Turned the American Dream into an Unaffordable Nightmare for Working Americans
Smith Exposes Billions in COVID Waste, Taxpayer Funds Diverted to Biden’s Border Crisis During Budget Hearing
Smith Opening Statement: President Biden's HHS FY23 Budget
Smith Statement on Another Biden Administration Extension of Student Loan Payment Moratorium
Smith Slams Biden's Costly Bypass of Congress to Expand Obamacare
Biden's FY23 Budget: Energy Crisis
Biden's FY23 Budget: Spending & Inflation Crisis
March 2022
Smith Slams Biden Budget at Hearing: “Deliberately Makes Every Crisis He Created Worse”
Smith Opening Statement: President Biden's FY23 Budget
Biden's FY23 Budget: Another Year of Crisis
Smith: “The President’s 2023 Budget Deliberately Makes Every Crisis He Created Worse.”
Smith in Budget Hearing Calls Out Democrat Policies that Sidelined Working Women and Reckless Spending that Sparked Record Inflation
Smith Opening Statement: Ensuring Women Can Thrive in a Post-Pandemic Economy
Smith Op-Ed: The Right to Know: Shining a Light on Health Care Costs
Smith Op-Ed: One Year Later: Why Biden's "American Rescue" Failed
Smith Marks One-Year Anniversary of American Rescue Plan, Slamming Biden WH for Billions in Taxpayer Waste, Failed Economic Policies, and 40-Year High Inflation
Smith Statement on Inflation Continuing at 40-Year High
Smith Statement on Biden State of the Union Address
February 2022
Smith Op-Ed: Biden's Bullseye on Rural America
House Budget Republicans Call out Wasteful Washington Spending, Record Inflation, and Hypocrisy at Democrat Hearing on Abolishing Debt Limit
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