Press Releases

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February 2022
Smith Opening Statement at Democrat Hearing on Abolishing the Debt Limit
Smith, Lucas Pull Back Curtain on House Democrats’ Repeated Attempts to Hide the Cost of Their Agenda from the American People
Smith Statement on Inflation Continuing at 40-Year High
Biden White House Once Again Ignores Budget Deadline, Committee Republicans Demand Answers for Failing Agenda
Smith Statement on America’s National Debt Surpassing $30 Trillion
January 2022
VIDEO: Biden's Year of Rampant Spending, Runaway Inflation, and Rampant Waste
Smith Slams Washington Democrats for Failed Economic Policies, Government-Fueled Inflation in GOP Congressional Roundtable
Smith Statement on Highest Inflation Rate in 40 Years
Smith, Rodgers, Brady Expose Biden Administration’s Massive Diversion of Funding from COVID-Testing, Cite Billions in Waste & Remaining Funds
Smith Op-Ed: Congress Should Not Let the IRS Play Both Tax Collector and Preparer
December 2021
Smith Highlights Record Spending, Debt, and Taxes After One Year of Democrat Control
House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith Statement on Democrats' $5 Trillion Tax & Spending Bill
Smith, Graham Expose Democrat Dishonesty on the True Cost of Their Tax & Spending Bill
Smith Op-Ed: The Democrats’ Agenda is on a Collision Course with Reality
Smith Statement on Democrat Debt Ceiling Increase
Democrats Vote to Ignore Confronting Inflation as Prices Spike to 40-Year High
Scorekeeper for Congress Confirms True Cost of Democrats’ Tax & Spending Bill is $4.9 Trillion, Adds $3 Trillion to Debt
House Budget Republicans Highlight Billions in Misspent Tax Dollars Under Biden Bailout Bill, Make Case for Oversight Hearing on Democrat Spending Bill
Smith Introduces Bill to Slash Washington Waste and Prevent Cuts to Medicare, Other Vital Programs, Triggered by Democrats’ Reckless Spending
Tax Scorekeeper Confirms Millions of Americans Making less than $400,000 Would Have Accounts Targeted Under Biden IRS Spying Scheme
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