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November 2021
House Democrats Vote for Handouts to the Wealthy, Higher Prices and Lower Paychecks to Middle Class Families
Congressional Scorekeeper Confirms Democrat Tax & Spending Bill Not Paid For, Adds $800 Billion to Debt in 5 Years
Smith Calls for Impact Analysis of Biden IRS Spying Scheme that Targets Working Families
Smith, Graham Call for CBO Score on True Cost of Democrat Tax & Spending Bill
Smith Statement on Passage of Infrastructure Bill
Smith: Biden’s Tax & Spending Bill Bankrupts the Economy, Benefits the Wealthy, Builds the Bureaucracy
Smith Op-Ed: Workers Vanish In Biden’s America
October 2021
$4.6 Trillion is Real Cost of Democrats’ “Framework,” Ultimately Adds $3 Trillion In New Debt
Democrats Fail to Convince Themselves of Their Agenda
Smith, Comer Call Out Biden Administration’s Failure of Accountability at Regulatory Agency, Lack of Transparency on Vaccine Mandate
The Numbers Show Biden's Socialist Tax & Spending Agenda is Making Inflation Worse
CBO Confirms Health Care Policies in Democrats’ Tax & Spending Bill Reduce Private Health Coverage, Push Americans onto Government-Controlled Care, and Cost Hundreds of Billions.
Smith Calls Out Biden Administration’s Continued Failure to Account for Impending Cuts to Medicare, Other Government Programs as a Result of Democrats’ Reckless Spending
Smith Op-Ed: The Democrats’ Sales Pitch Should Come With an Honest Price Tag
Smith: Republicans Will Not Co-Sign a Loan for the Democrats’ Radical Agenda
Smith: Raising the Debt Limit Enables the Democrats’ Radical Tax & Spending Agenda
Smith Op-Ed: Democrats' Build Back Agenda is a Payback to Wealthy Allies
September 2021
Smith Floor Remarks on Infrastructure Bill: "The math simply does not add up"
Democrats Ignore Concerns of Working Families, Delay Action on Debt Limit, Push Trillions in Taxes & Spending
Budget Democrats Vote for Greater Washington Control, Against Protecting Life, Liberty, and Property
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