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April 2021
Smith Statement on Biden’s Back-of-the-Envelope Budget
Smith, Comer Call for Review of New York’s Funding for Illegal Immigrants Following Billions in Federal Bailout Money to the State
Biden's Build Back by Borrowing & Taxing Plan
March 2021
Smith: “Washington Democrats are embracing an historically disturbing appetite for spending.”
House Budget Committee Republicans Demand Hearing on President Biden’s Unlawful Freeze on Border Wall Construction
71 Members of Congress Join Call for Investigation of Wall Construction Suspension
Smith Opening Statement: House Budget Committee Members’ Day Hearing
Smith Opening Statement on Democrats’ Medicare Cuts + Protect Seniors and Cut Waste Act
President Biden’s Lack of Budget: A Historic Lack of Transparency
Smith: “Democrats just passed the wrong plan, at the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons”
Smith Opening Statement: House Floor Debate on Senate Amendment to $1.9 Trillion Bailout
Smith Opening Statement: Rules Committee Meeting on Senate Amendment to $1.9 Trillion Bailout
House Budget Committee Republicans Call on President Biden to be Forthcoming on Budget Release Timeline
Smith Statement on Withdrawal of Tanden Nomination for OMB Director
February 2021
Smith: “House Democrats have put their partisan ambitions ahead of America’s working class.”
Smith Opening Statement: House Floor Debate on Democrats $1.9 Trillion Bailout
Smith, Comer Op-Ed: Dems' $1.9T COVID relief bill – wrong plan, wrong time, wrong reasons. Here's why.
House Budget Democrats Ignore Concerns of Working Class Americans, Push Forward on Biden Bailout Bill
House Budget Committee to Consider Biden Bailout Bill
Smith: “COVID-19 is more the pretext than the purpose behind what Democrats are proposing.”
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