Press Releases

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May 2024
Chairman Arrington Joins Maria Bartiromo’s Wall Street to Discuss the Looming Social Security, Medicare Insolvency and the Cost of the Border Crisis
Chairman Arrington Seeks Full Analysis from CBO on Mass Illegal Migration Costs
Despite CBO’s Predictions, Trump Tax Cuts Were a Boon for America’s Economy and Working Families
Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Remarks at Hearing on “The Cost of the Border Crisis”
Fox Business: Chairman Arrington Discusses Looming Insolvency of Social Security, Medicare, and the Upcoming Hearing on the Cost of the Border Crisis
MEDIA ADVISORY: The Cost of the Border Crisis Hearing
Social Security and Medicare Continue on Path to Insolvency, Trustees Confirm
Chairman Arrington Joins Fox News to Discuss the Cost of the Border Crisis
Budget Committee to Introduce Legislation to Rein-In Improper Payments
April Jobs Report: 140,000 Less New Jobs than March
Reining in Executive Overreach with Strengthening Administrative PAYGO Act
Federal Reserve Makes No Change to Interest Rates, Meaning Bidenomics is Still Driving Stubbornly High Inflation
House Budget Republicans Seek to Streamline U.S. Defense Spending and Budgeting Process with DoD Watchdog
What They Are Saying: H.R. 7032, Congressional Budget Office Data Sharing Act
April 2024
Consumer Confidence for April Falls to Lowest Level Since July 2022
The Congressional Budget Office Data Sharing Act Passes the House
Chairman Arrington and Oversight Task Force Chairman Bergman Again Call for Implementation and Execution of Administrative PAYGO
President Biden’s Executive Actions Have Cost Taxpayers Over $2 Trillion
Chairman Arrington, Health Care Task Force Chair Burgess Request Investigation into Obamacare Program Driving Deficits
Bureau of Economic Analysis: PCE Inflation Rose to 2.7 Percent in March
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