Press Releases

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February 2024
Chairman Arrington Releases Statement on Biden’s Latest Student Loan Bailout Scheme
House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Statements in Hearing Titled, “The Congressional Budget Office’s Budget and Economic Outlook”
A Tale of Two Deficit Reductions
House Budget Chairman Arrington Joins Mornings with Maria To Discuss Cost of Border Security, CBO Baseline
House Budget Committee to Hold Hearing Titled “The Congressional Budget Office’s Budget and Economic Outlook”
Chairman Arrington Reacts to January Inflation Report
WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: Budget Members Sound the Alarm on CBO Budget Baseline
CBO 2024 Baseline: The Baseline and Interest Costs
CBO 2024 Baseline: The Baseline and Trust Funds
CBO 2024 Baseline: The Baseline and Revenues
CBO 2024 Baseline: The Baseline and Spending
CBO 2024 Baseline: Deficits and Debt
CBO 2024 Baseline: Corrections to Previous Baselines
CBO 2024 Baseline: The Baseline and the Border Crisis
CBO 2024 Baseline: Comparing May 2023 and February 2024
CBO 2024 Baseline: Topline Summary
Chairman Arrington Releases Statement on Congressional Budget Office Budget Baseline
CBO 2024 Baseline: The Baseline Under President Biden
CBO 2024 Baseline: Reading the Fiscal Tea Leaves
House Budget Committee to Hold Markup of Bills H.R. 766, H.R. 7032, and H.R. 5301
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