January 21, 2021

Biden Administration Abandons Regulatory Relief for American Families and Small Businesses

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, the Biden Administration rescinded regulatory relief measures enacted during the previous Administration that helped protect American families and entrepreneurs. President Biden revoked an executive order which required Executive Branch departments and agencies to remove at least two regulations whenever a new regulation is issued. Additionally, the President revoked an executive order requiring departments and agencies to propose offsets to the costs of discretionary administrative actions, or actions not required by statute, that increase mandatory spending.

“The Biden Administration is giving a greenlight to a massive growth in the regulatory state with little regard for the costs to American families, small businesses, and the economy,” said Congressman Jason Smith, Republican Leader of the House Budget Committee. “We need more accountability in government, not less. We need regulatory relief to support economic growth and more opportunity for more Americans. We have seen how the American people and American ingenuity can thrive when Washington gets out of the way – as evidenced by reaching the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years during the Trump Administration. By rolling back commonsense regulatory relief, the Biden Administration has made one of its first priorities expanding power in Washington at the expense of a healthier economy.”

Additional Background:

In October 2019, President Trump issued an executive order on “Increasing Government Accountability for Administrative Actions by Reinvigorating Administrative PAYGO.” This was a budget neutrality requirement for administrative actions taken by Executive Branch departments and agencies that impacted mandatory spending. With that executive order no longer in place, departments and agencies essentially do not have to account for or consider the costs of administrative actions.