May 16, 2024
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  • Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Remarks at a Markup of Five Budget Process Reform Bills

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered opening remarks at the markup of five budget process reform bills. 

    Those bills are: 

    • H.R. 8341, the “Cost Estimates Improvement Act.”
    • H.R. 8195, the “Strengthening Administration PAYGO Act of 2024.”
    • H.R. 8372, the “Debt Per Taxpayer Information Act.”
    • H.R. 8342, the “Improper Payments Transparency Act.”
    • H.R. 8343, the “Enhancing Improper Payment Accountability Act.”


    Click HERE to watch Chairman Arrington’s opening remarks.

    Chairman Arrington Opening Remarks as Delivered: 

    I think that's the foundation here, when we talk about strengthening the balance sheet and reducing our debt to GDP. We need to Sound the Alarm and wake the American people up that debt clock keeps ticking. And I think because there isn't this calamitous effect, I think people are sort of lulled to sleep over it. And the problem is, once it happens, and we lose the confidence of our those who we borrow from who buy our treasuries, then we're going to be stuck with $2 trillion annually of a gap and what we spend on the People's Government, so I am worried that a sovereign debt crisis would would really do a number on this country, our economy, our security, our leadership and the world. 

    And that's why I think the Budget Committee is the most important committee in Congress, because if we don't do our job well, we will impact adversely anything and all things good about the United States and our government. Again, this has been a bipartisan effort. And there'll be times we disagree, even on budget process reforms. That's great. That's okay. I love the debate. I love the candor. I love the passion from both sides. But boy, do I respect the congenial and bipartisan spirit to try to find consensus where we can so that we can move our country forward. And that that has been a commitment by by my colleagues on both sides. And I'm grateful for that.

    So I guess to summarize the number of reform bills, I think each one of them in their own right in one way or another will work to ensure more fiscally responsible outcomes, provide more transparency for taxpayers, more accuracy for us as decision makers, and will increase accountability for lawmakers in the United States Congress, who again, are charged with the sacred trust of stewarding taxpayer dollars. And I know you all are committed to that.”