September 19, 2024
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  • Chairman Arrington Joins Mornings with Maria to Discuss the Biden-Harris Failed Economic and Energy Agenda

         WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business to preview the House Budget Committee’s hearing entitled “The Cost of the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis” and this Administration’s failed economic agenda.


    Watch Chairman Arrington’s full interview on Fox Business HERE.

    Find highlights of key moments below:

    Chairman Arrington on Kamala Harris's Economic Agenda:

    "I'm scared to death that we would give control over our economy to somebody that incompetent or deceptive because she said she hasn't changed her values. You don't have to go on her website to look at her policies. All you have to do is recount and recap what has happened over the last four years. Their policies have been disastrous.

    We've weakened our economy, and Americans have a pessimistic outlook. Unemployment is now up by 1 percent we're teetering on a recession. Our country is nearly bankrupt because our deficits are $2 trillion. Deficits are going to double just to service the debt. It costs a trillion dollars, which is more than we spend on Medicare and all of defense.

    You can't trust her with the economy. She's a central planner. She's a socialist. This is why she doesn't answer the questions. Part of it is incompetence. I don't think she's got a lot of substance with all due respect, but I think the majority of her word salad is just to avoid reminding the American people that this didn't just happen overnight. Policies have consequences, and it was her policies, along with Joe Biden, that gave us this current condition that is unsustainable.”

    Chairman Arrington on the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis:

    The cost of the energy crisis that's been self-inflicted is manifold. We're more dependent on foreign sources of energy, which is a national security implication. Americans are paying twice as much in their energy consumption under Biden-Harris than they were under Trump.

    It's straightforward—you tax and regulate something and you get less of it. Whether it's cars that you're making or food like my farmers and ranchers out in West Texas, that cost is real and it's being passed on to consumers.

    All of this regulatory rigmarole is being passed on in higher prices at the grocery store, gas pump, etc. President Trump knows how to lower taxes. He knows how to put trade on a fair and reciprocal path vis a vis our competitors, and he understands how to unleash American energy dominance, which would be good for everybody, especially the middle class, who are paying the most regressive tax of inflation because of their policy.”

    More from the House Budget Committee:

    Read Chairman Arrington’s statement on the Federal Reserve interest rate cut HERE.

    Read Chairman Arrington’s statement on the two year anniversary of the Democrats’ so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ HERE.

    Watch the House Budget Committee’s hearing on ‘The Cost of the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis” HERE.

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