September 25, 2021

House Budget Committee To Consider Democrats’ Plan For Trillions In Taxes & Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Budget Committee will hold a markup of the Washington Democrats’ socialist tax and spending spree – a bill which currently spends $4.3 trillion with several committees having violated their reconciliation instructions. It is the most expensive piece of legislation in the history of the United States, includes over $2 trillion in taxes, and will add over $2 trillion in debt.

To date, the House Budget Committee has had zero opportunity to participate in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget process given the fact that Democrats – as they did with the Fiscal Year 2021 budget and promised they would not do with the Fiscal Year 2022 budget – once again bypassed the Committee when bringing the $68 trillion Bernie Budget to the House Floor in August in order to initiate the reconciliation process.

“This bill is before the Budget Committee today because Democrats are in disarray and need to convince themselves that everything is somehow running smoothly. It’s not,” said House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08). “This bill is a disaster for working families – with massive tax hikes on those who can least afford it and trillions in deficit spending – all to give handouts to the wealthy. The budget process to ensure sound decisions are made on behalf of American taxpayers is beyond broken. It’s buried beneath the tax and spend socialist agenda Democrats are demanding.”

Yesterday, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith sent a letter to House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (KY-03) calling on Democrats to use today’s mark-up to focus on amending their Fiscal Year 2022 budget resolution to allow for them to address the debt limit through reconciliation.

During today’s markup, House Budget Committee Republicans will focus on multiple areas and issues of concern, including but not limited to:

  • Calling on Democrats to remove from their legislation items that are already known to violate the Senate Byrd Rule – including amnesty for illegal immigrants.
  • Demanding that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) have the opportunity to provide a cost estimate of the legislation before the legislation is considered on the House Floor. To date, CBO has only scored roughly 1 percent of the total cost of the bill.
  • Fighting to protect access to innovative and life-saving medications and cures for America’s seniors as well as the sanctity of human life.
  • Ensuring the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not given new broad and inappropriate authority to further target American citizens.
  • Pointing out the waste and abuse of federal taxpayer dollars that has come with the Democrats reckless spending agenda – including from the Biden Bailout Bill.
  • Prioritizing those families and communities currently suffering as a result of recent hurricanes and wildfires instead of spending taxpayer dollars on earmarks – like the $200 million for the Presidio Park in Speaker Pelosi’s district – and other non-essential items.
TUNE IN to @housebudgetGOP for updates on today’s proceedings.