September 11, 2023

ICYMI: Chairman Arrington joins Fox News to Discuss Upcoming Funding Fight

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined Fox News on Sunday to discuss passing the federal budget and the growing concern of a government shutdown as the House reconvenes from August recess this week. 

Arrington on Passing a Budget: 
“… Republicans need to unify around a conservative funding bill. That's what our focus is going to be when we get back and I think the outcome is going to be better for the American people and for our country in the long run. It's hard work but we did it in the debt ceiling debate, and the outcome was better and more responsible. We're going to do it in the funding bill, and I think we're going to get the same outcome. Every American will win in that regard, especially those struggling with cost of living today.”

Arrington on Strategy:
“We're going through every line, every account of every agency policy and program. It's like zero based budgeting so that we can root out the waste and woke and refocus this government on the things that matter, like security, safety, and keeping the American people from having their fundamental rights and freedoms infringed. I think that's an appropriate thing for us to do. And I believe that's why the American people gave us the majority.

ICYMI: Chairman Arrington joins Fox News to Discuss Upcoming Funding Fight.

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