December 19, 2023
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  • ICYMI: Epoch Times: Chairman Jodey Arrington is “The Man With The Mission to End Washington’s Spending Addiction”

    As our nation stares down $34 trillion in national debt, Americans are facing the cost of Democrats’ reckless runaway spending. The debt is contributing to crippling inflation, lower take home pay, and causing sweeping economic malaise. After years of Washington policymakers’ addiction to spending, the House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) is sounding the alarm on Congress’ broken budget process and fighting to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington, D.C.

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    Via Epoch Times

    The Epoch Times recently published a report highlighting how House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington is working to change the spending culture in Washington and protect the blessings of liberty for future generations of Americans.

    Word on the Street via The Epoch Times

    • "’This is not a Republican or Democrat problem, this is America's problem, it's our problem, and we've got to figure out how to solve it,’ Mr. Arrington said at a recent committee hearing.”

    • “’He is trying to climb one of the steepest mountains in Washington. No country in recorded history has ever compiled a national debt of $33.77 trillion, so there is no precedent to guide policymakers in the United States looking for a solution for what some say is a fiscal disaster for the nation.’”

    • The explosion of deficit spending in the COVID-related years ran up $7.28 trillion in new debt between 2020 and 2022 and thus accounts for more than one-fifth of the $33.78 trillion total. Overall, federal spending at current levels equals$53,000 every second, according to Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), the second-ranking GOP member of Mr. Arrington's panel.

    • "’I think it's worth repeating some of the startling statistics that demonstrate just how fragile the situation is and just how bad off we are from a fiscal standpoint. Our 120 percent debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) is the highest level of indebtedness in the history of our country, surpassing World War II—and we're not at war. We're in relative peace and prosperity and it's only going to get worse,’ he said.”

    The Bottom Line: 

    House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) won’t let the debt go unaddressed any longer. 

    Chairman Arrington has led the Committee through the passage of a budget resolution to root out government waste and balance the budget in 10 years, the creation of several task forces aimed towards repairing the budget process in D.C., and held hearings to platform key legislative endeavors to address the debt. 

    Our debt and deficits are snowballing out of control, and without leaders who have the courage to change the culture in Washington, future generations of Americans will be crushed under the price of our spending.  The House Budget Committee is determined to prevent that from happening.