April 24, 2023


WASHINGTON – Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined "America's Newsroom" on Fox News to discuss House Republicans' debt limit bill to limit federal spending, save taxpayer dollars, and grow the economy. If passed, the Limit, Save, Grow Act will lead to more than $4.5 trillion in savings to American taxpayers.

Click here to watch Arrington's full interview.

Arrington on the Democrats' Reckless Spending Spree: "Look, this President has spent $10 trillion in two years, 6 trillion of which has been added to the national debt. I talked about inflation. But the list of things that this President has done when you've got $31 trillion in debt, which is 25%, larger than the largest economy in the world, the US economy. I mean, the unilateral spending on the student debt cancellation, we've got tens of billions of dollars in unspent COVID money. That's low-hanging fruit. There's a number of common-sense spending controls that we could put in place like President Biden had done in the past, again, as Senator and Vice President. And I think the American people who, by the way, have tightened their belt and had to change their spending habits, expect their federal government and their nation's leaders to do the same." Arrington on Responsibly Raising the Debt Limit: "We're raising the limit responsibly. But we're looking at our fiscal house and curving the waste, limiting the growth in the future, saving US taxpayer money, but also growing the economy by making us energy independent, and getting us cutting red tape so we can build things in America." Arrington Calls on President Biden to Come to the Table:  "Well, Speaker McCarthy's been at the table. And he has offered to negotiate with the President. Now we're going to put our terms on a piece of paper, get 218 Republicans, and we're going to put the ball in their court."

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