June 22, 2021

Smith, Foxx Demand Answers on Biden Administration’s Failure to Put American Students First

Administration Offering Tax Dollars to Illegal Immigrants While Expanding Washington Control Over Education

WASHINGTON– Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) and House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (NC-05) sent a letter to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona demanding transparency into the use of federal funds issued to K-12 and higher education institutions by the Department.

“Democrats peddled their nearly $2 trillion bailout bill as the key to helping restore education, only to have it revealed later that 70 percent of elementary and secondary education spending would not even happen until – at the earliest – 2023. Now, with a record 41 percent increase in proposed spending for the Department, President Biden is overseeing the largest explosion in federal education spending in our nation’s history, while directly undermining policies that put U.S. students first. The Biden administration has failed to prioritize American students and their families, whose lives have been upended by this pandemic, while it pushes greater Washington control over local and state decision making. Parents and students deserve answers,” said House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith.

"American students are not guaranteed an in-person education in this country, yet Secretary Cardona is plotting to use taxpayer dollars to fund non-citizens’ education. This administration is pursuing America last policies that will lead to federal bankruptcy, learning loss, mental health decline for students, and privileges for non-citizens on the taxpayer’s dime. I hope Secretary Cardona will allow for proper oversight by thoroughly responding to our request and, ultimately, commit to building an in-person education system that works for those who legally live and work here,” said Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Foxx.

Since President Biden assumed office in January, concerns surrounding the Administration’s education priorities have persisted. The Biden Administration’s decision to overturn former President Trump’s policy for federal financial aid, which gave precedence to American students pursuing postsecondary education, was quickly followed by new guidance from the U.S. Department of Education in May that offered access to $36 billion in American taxpayer dollars to undocumented students.

“During consideration of H.R. 1319, the nearly $2 trillion spending bill which allocated your Department its largest tranche of funding ever, Republican members of the House Committee on the Budget and House Committee on Education and Labor introduced motions to ensure that no funding in the bill would be distributed to non-citizens,” wrote House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith and House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Foxx. “None of these were accepted by the Democrat Majority, and it is disappointing that the Department has subsequently failed to put American students first.” In their letter, the Republican leaders requested oversight documents and information related to the manner taxpayer dollars are being used for American students.

Read the letter here.
