April 16, 2024
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           President Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have abandoned our nation’s border states in favor of open border policies that have cost the American taxpayer billions of their hard-earned dollars

    From December 2020 under Trump to December 2023 under Biden there has been a 307 percent increase in illegal immigration under President Biden.

    To add insult to injury, President Biden’s FY 2025 budget request proposes to CUT $400 million of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding. Less border funding means more skyrocketing immigration, forcing the American taxpayers and local governments to foot the bill for Biden’s botched border policies.

    The Federal Cost of Immigration:

    Total Federal Spending: $66,449,136,000

    Secretary Mayorkas has openly acknowledged to the American people that more than 85 percent of migrants illegally crossing our southern border are RELEASED into the country.  

    The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has calculated that the total cost to the taxpayer per illegal immigrant is $8,776 per year. According to these calculations:

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    The Local and State Cost of Immigration:

    State and Local governments are experiencing a detrimental diversion of resources away from services–including emergency services–to address a massive influx of migrants. For border states, the picture is grim:

    Total State & Local Expenditures: $115.6 billion

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    According to FAIR’s FY 2023 estimates

    Because of a lack of leadership from the Biden Administration, states have had to fill the void. The fiscal impact to house, feed, clothe, care for, and educate illegal immigrants is snowballing out of control. 

    The House Budget Committee’s Fiscal Year 2025 concurrent budget resolution implements the policies in H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act. Chairman Jodey Arrington and the House Budget Committee will continue to push policies that challenge the status quo and restore fiscal responsibility back to Washington. 

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