News Releases Group Dates
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News Releases Titles
July 2024
Via Daily Signal: When Washington Spends, You’re on the Hook. You Deserve to Know for How Much.
June 2024
Via the Daily Caller: We Must Address America’s Debilitating Federal Debt Spiral
Via Forbes: CBO: Cost of Federal Student Loans Nears $400 Billion
Via Wall Street Journal: Soaring U.S. Debt Is a Spending Problem
Via Fox Business: Social Security Payments Will Be Cut $325 Per Month by 2033 Without Changes
May 2024
Via Forbes: The Per-Household Cost of Federal Spending and Regulation
The Daily Signal: Bipartisan Proposals Would Hold Presidents Accountable for ‘Improper’ Payments
Interest Costs Surpass National Defense and Medicare Spending
Washington Times: the Border Crisis Costs Taxpayers $150 Billion and Counting
House Budget’s Health Care Task Force Calls for Investigation into Cost of Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
Winston Group Survey Says: Inflation Fears Flare Again
President Biden’s Student Loan Scheme Could Cost Taxpayers $1.4 Trillion
April 2024
The Perils of Drug Price Controls
WSJ Editorial Board: States Push Back on Biden’s Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’ Schemes
Bipartisan, Former HHS Secretaries: Congress Should Adopt Site Neutral Payments for Health Care
Policy Leaders for Former Presidents Reagan, Obama Call on Congress to Pass the Preventive Health Savings Act
Chairman Arrington Speaks on 50th Anniversary of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act
FAFSA Fumbles Continued: President Biden’s Student Aid Overhaul Leaves Students Stranded
Chairman Arrington Sounds the Alarm with the Daily Caller: Fiscal Responsibility Begins by Ending Beltway Budget Gimmicks
President Biden's Green Agenda: A Nearly Trillion-Dollar Burden on Americans
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