Press Releases

January 04, 2022

Smith Op-Ed: Congress Should Not Let the IRS Play Both Tax Collector and Preparer

By Rep. Jason Smith Washington Times Back in 2010, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously said about Obamacare, “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” And what did we find? Higher out of pocket health care costs and fewer choices and coverage options. Now we find ourselves once again with Democrat control of Congress and the White House, and they are wanting to put in place new government controls, influence, and interference over everything from childcare … Continue Reading

December 31, 2021

Smith Highlights Record Spending, Debt, and Taxes After One Year of Democrat Control

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement today alongside the release of a fact sheet highlighting the consequences to the federal budget of one year of total Democrat control in Washington. “The American people have watched for the last year as Washington Democrats wasted their time and attention attempting to pass massive spending and tax increases alongside a stack of misguided policies that will bankrupt … Continue Reading

December 19, 2021

House Budget Committee Republican Leader Smith Statement on Democrats' $5 Trillion Tax & Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement today after U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) announced his decision not to support the Democrats’ $5 trillion tax and spending bill, citing the recent analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) detailing the true cost of the proposal. “Senator Manchin’s decision not to support the Democrats’ reckless tax and spending bill is a win for working families across … Continue Reading

December 16, 2021

Smith, Graham Expose Democrat Dishonesty on the True Cost of Their Tax & Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (MO-08) and Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-SC) held a press conference exposing Democrats’ dishonesty about the real cost of their tax and spending bill. A recent CBO analysis requested by Smith and Graham makes clear that the Democrats have been misleading the American people by relying heavily on budget gimmicks and early sunsets of programs they intend to make permanent, in … Continue Reading

December 15, 2021

Smith Op-Ed: The Democrats’ Agenda is on a Collision Course with Reality

By Rep. Jason Smith Washington Examiner Despite Democrats’ various attempts over the last four months to promote their $5 trillion tax and spending bill, they have barely managed to sell it to themselves, let alone the public. They want people to believe it is the silver bullet to solving our country’s problems. But unfortunately for them, the public does not share their sense of optimism — and for good reason. Recently, the Congressional Budget Office issued an analysis that warned the … Continue Reading

December 15, 2021

Smith Statement on Democrat Debt Ceiling Increase

WASHINGTON, D.C. - This evening, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after Democrats voted to increase the federal debt limit by $2.5 trillion. “This year alone, outside of annual appropriations bills, House Democrats have passed more than $7.5 trillion in new spending. Democrats should be finding ways to rein in spending and stop the painful rise in consumer prices, but they’re too focused on their partisan agenda. Instead of using … Continue Reading

December 14, 2021

Democrats Vote to Ignore Confronting Inflation as Prices Spike to 40-Year High

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, House Democrats voted to ignore the inflation crisis facing American families. During debate on the House Floor, Republicans offered an opportunity to revise the Fiscal Year 2022 budget resolution and turn Congress’ attention to legislation to reduce the deficit, combat runaway inflation, and help get Americans back to work. Democrats voted to reject that effort. House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement: “The … Continue Reading

December 10, 2021

Scorekeeper for Congress Confirms True Cost of Democrats’ Tax & Spending Bill is $4.9 Trillion, Adds $3 Trillion to Debt

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published an estimate of the Democrats’ tax and spending reconciliation bill, requested by House Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (MO-08) and Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (SC), that confirms the bill’s true cost to be $4.9 trillion and $3 trillion in new debt. “This analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirms that Washington Democrats are misleading the public about the … Continue Reading

December 09, 2021

House Budget Republicans Highlight Billions in Misspent Tax Dollars Under Biden Bailout Bill, Make Case for Oversight Hearing on Democrat Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08), joined by his Republican colleagues on the Committee, cited over a dozen examples of how billions of taxpayer dollars have been misspent by states and localities since the Biden Bailout Bill was passed in March and called on House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (KY-03) to follow U.S. House & Committee Rules to convene an oversight hearing on implementation of the law. “Despite passing $7 … Continue Reading

December 07, 2021

Smith Introduces Bill to Slash Washington Waste and Prevent Cuts to Medicare, Other Vital Programs, Triggered by Democrats’ Reckless Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) joined by House Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady (TX-08) and House Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) introduced H.R. 6144, the Removing Waste and Protecting Medicare Act, to cut waste in Washington and stave off looming cuts to vital government programs such as Medicare, that are in part the result of reckless federal spending enacted by … Continue Reading

December 07, 2021

Tax Scorekeeper Confirms Millions of Americans Making less than $400,000 Would Have Accounts Targeted Under Biden IRS Spying Scheme

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) has confirmed that an average of 87 million Americans earning less than $400,000 would have their account information reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under President Biden’s IRS targeting proposal. JCT’s response follows a request last month from House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08), calling for an official assessment of how the Biden Administration’s proposal to empower the IRS to … Continue Reading

November 19, 2021

House Democrats Vote for Handouts to the Wealthy, Higher Prices and Lower Paychecks to Middle Class Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement today after House Democrats passed their partisan, multi-trillion dollar tax and spending bill: “Washington Democrats have spent months consumed by infighting and backroom dealmaking in pursuit of a partisan tax and spending agenda that bankrupts our economy, benefits the wealthy, and builds the Washington bureaucracy. At the same time, working families have been battling the … Continue Reading

November 18, 2021

Congressional Scorekeeper Confirms Democrat Tax & Spending Bill Not Paid For, Adds $800 Billion to Debt in 5 Years

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a full score of the House Democrats’ multi-trillion dollar tax and spending bill: “This analysis from the Congressional Budget Office is a clear indictment of the Democrats’ tax and spending agenda and the false promises that have gone along with it. CBO has confirmed that this bill is not fully paid for, despite promises from … Continue Reading

November 10, 2021

Smith Calls for Impact Analysis of Biden IRS Spying Scheme that Targets Working Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08), in a letter to the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), called for an official assessment of how the Biden Administration’s proposal to empower the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to spy on the financial activity of American citizens - including working families, farmers, small businesses, and gig economy workers - would impact middle- to low-income Americans. Specifically, Smith outlined how the latest … Continue Reading

November 09, 2021

Smith, Graham Call for CBO Score on True Cost of Democrat Tax & Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a letter today to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the top Republicans on the House and Senate Budget Committees pushed the agency to provide a true cost estimate of the Democrats’ tax and spending reconciliation bill if provisions within the bill were made permanent, as is the intent of Democrats. House Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (MO-08) and Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) noted that the reconciliation bill … Continue Reading

November 05, 2021

Smith Statement on Passage of Infrastructure Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement today after House Democrats passed the infrastructure bill: “Tonight’s vote on the infrastructure bill is a perfect example of why obtaining a score of legislation from the Congressional Budget Office is important before Congress votes to enact new spending. Despite claims that the infrastructure bill was fully paid for, CBO showed a nearly $400 billion shortfall. At least members … Continue Reading

November 04, 2021

Smith: Biden’s Tax & Spending Bill Bankrupts the Economy, Benefits the Wealthy, Builds the Bureaucracy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement today alongside the release of a fact sheet from House Budget Committee Republicans laying out the various ways the agenda being pushed by the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats will benefit the wealthy at the expense of working families. “Washington Democrats have produced a tax and spending bill that will bankrupt the economy, benefit the wealthy, and … Continue Reading

November 01, 2021

Smith Op-Ed: Workers Vanish In Biden’s America

By Rep. Jason Smith Washington Times Just like those chatty in-laws or overly friendly neighbors who have a way of lingering on your doorstep, there are policies enacted by Congress that have overstayed their welcome. But unlike your esteemed neighbors and in-laws, these policies, if left to fester, can have disastrous consequences for the broader economy and the American people. Some of these policies were enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be in … Continue Reading

October 28, 2021

$4.6 Trillion is Real Cost of Democrats’ “Framework,” Ultimately Adds $3 Trillion In New Debt

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a hurried attempt to deliver on the multitude of promises made by Democrats over the last nine months, President Biden earlier today unveiled a so-called “framework” for a socialist tax and spending spree. A preliminary analysis by House Budget Committee Republicans has found that the Democrats’ proposed agenda will cost at least $4.6 trillion and could increase the nation’s debt by at least $3 trillion. “President Biden delivered another white paper full of Democrat … Continue Reading

October 28, 2021

Democrats Fail to Convince Themselves of Their Agenda

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement today as Democrats continue trying to convince themselves of their own agenda: “For months, Washington Democrats have been engaged in a reconciliation dog and pony show with members of their own party, attempting to convince themselves that their agenda is worth saving. The Democrats’ chaotic deal-making has consisted of backroom negotiations, public bullying tactics, and a … Continue Reading

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