October 24, 2023

Budget Oversight Task Force Opens Line of Communication for Whistleblowers

Budget Committee Seeking Reports on Illicit Federal Activity to Root Out Waste and Hold Government Accountable

The House Budget Committee’s Oversight Task Force today established an online portal enabling the submission of reports for any wrongdoing concerning federal spending, fiscal management, or the federal budget. 
“House Budget Republicans established the Oversight Task Force to bring accountability, transparency, and program integrity back to Washington—to get that done, we will need an all hands on deck approach. Whistleblowers play a vital role in helping Congress conduct its constitutionally mandated oversight responsibilities, and their disclosures can make a difference. This form gives whistleblowers the opportunity to help us shed light on these critical issues to root out harmful government waste and hold the federal government accountable to the American people,” said Congressman Jack Bergman (R-MI), Chairman of the Oversight Task Force. “I look forward to providing transparency to the American public and restoring fiscal responsibility throughout the federal government through budgetary oversight.” 
The form is an open line of communication for any federal employee or U.S. citizen with knowledge of inappropriate behavior or illicit activity in the budget space, including but not limiting to the following: 

  • Office of Management and Budget
  • Department of Treasury
  • Comptrollers within government agencies
  • Budget offices within government agencies
  • Government agencies’ obligations and expenditure

The Budget Committee also encourages federal employees to share any violations of legislation pertaining to the federal budget and spending, including but not limited to the:

  • Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974
  • Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985
  • Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 

Click HERE to file a report.

Click HERE for more information on the Oversight Task Force.

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