October 19, 2023

House Budget Committee to Hold Hearing Examining Need for Fiscal Commission

Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-PA), and Members of the House Budget Committee will hold a hearing to examine the need for a bipartisan commission to address the pressing fiscal issues of our time. Ahead of the hearing, Chairman Arrington released the following statement: 
“We must address our unsustainable national debt and understand its principal drivers. The lack of urgency around the insolvency of critical programs is an unconscionable abdication of leadership. The budget resolution passed last month by this Committee calls for the creation of a bipartisan, bicameral fiscal commission to get all sides together to fix the insolvency of critical government programs in a depoliticized and responsible way. I’m grateful to the four witnesses who will be joining us today and for our Members’ willingness to engage in good faith negotiation and seek the answers Americans deserve.”
Click HERE to watch the House Budget Committee’s hearing live. 
Background Information:
Hearing Objectives:

  • Evaluate the historical context of a fiscal commission: Discuss past efforts to address fiscal challenges, examining the successes and failures of previous commissions and committees.
  • Assess the role of a commission: Explore the potential benefits, scope, mandate, authority, and resources required for the effective operation of a fiscal commission. 
  • Learn from the experiences of the expert witnesses: We have a panel of distinguished witnesses with extensive experience in fiscal policy, government commissions, and congressional leadership to share their insights and recommendations.


  • Former Senator Rob Portman of Ohio
  • Former Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota
  • Former Budget Chairman Steve Womack of Arkansas
  • Former Budget Chairman John Yarmuth of Kentucky

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