January 05, 2024
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  • ICYMI: Biden’s Border Crisis Enters Third Year

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    Via The Hill

    This past week, House Speaker Johnson (R-LA), Homeland Security Chairman Green (R-FL), and numerous other House Republicans witnessed Biden’s disastrous policies at the border firsthand in the largest-ever congressional delegation.

    Eagle Pass, TX, is just one border town that has been the site of hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossings.

    Now, due to the Biden Administration's dereliction of duty, every major city in the interior of our nation has become a border town.

    Whether these cities are run by democrats or republicans, their mayors are calling on the Biden Administration to do something, anything, to stop the flow of migrants. 

    Worse yet, the Administration seems to be having communications break down with itself: 

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    The Secretary of Homeland freely admits he is letting millions of illegal immigrants into this country, but the president says everything is under control. The numbers speak for themselves: 

    Via House Committee on Homeland Security

    • Since President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas took office, there have been 8 million encounters nationwide and over 6.7 million encounters at the Southwest border.

    • Since the beginning of the Biden administration, over 1.7 million known gotaways have evaded U.S. Border Patrol. In testimony before the Committee, former Chief of U.S. Border Patrol Raul Ortiz said the number of both known and unknown gotaways could be 20% higher

    • In November alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded 308,728 encounters nationwide, including 242,418 at the Southwest border (SWB)—the worst November on CBP record. SWB encounters increased 38% compared to November 2021 and 3% compared to November 2022. 

    • In November alone, CBP, including Air and Marine Operations, seized 1,846 pounds of fentanyl coming across the Southwest border—enough to kill more than 400 million people. 

      • What’s worse, officials estimate they are only able to seize 5-10% of fentanyl smuggled across the Southwest border. 

    Word on the Street Via The Wall Street Journal:

    • At a press conference Wednesday, Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) decried what he called an “unmitigated disaster” that has strained border agencies and communities across the country. He reiterated that any border deal must be based on H.R. 2, a bill passed by the Republican-controlled House that would revive policies from the Trump administration, including provisions that would continue wall construction and make it nearly impossible for most migrants to qualify for asylum. 

    • The show of force from Republicans at the border underscores the difficult path ahead for any bipartisan agreement, which must pass both the Democratic-led Senate and the GOP-controlled House. The political stakes are high, with control of the House, Senate, and presidency all up for grabs this fall. The White House has faced growing pressure as the number of border apprehensions has soared, with President Biden last week dispatching top officials to talks in Mexico City.

    • GOP negotiator Sen. James Lankford (R., Okla) said H.R. 2 is “a great bill, obviously, but I’m negotiating with a White House that vehemently disagrees.” Biden has said he would veto it, and it wouldn’t pass the Senate anyway, Lankford said. “We can’t just do nothing and say, ‘We can’t get everything in H.R. 2, so we’re going to do nothing.’ … We’ve got to do something.”

    Via Fox News

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    Click HERE to watch the full clip.

    When asked to give a ballpark amount of how many migrants were released into the country?

    Mayorkas responded: “Well, more than a million [migrants] per year.”

    Via Fox News:

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    Click HERE to watch the full clip.

    Senator Bill Cassidy on extending healthcare migrants:

    "Medicaid for migrants will be a magnet for more people to come to that state illegally. And the second, remember that good quote by Margaret Thatcher, socialism is great until you run out of other people's money to spend, they got a $68 billion deficit already, they're going to add another $2 billion with this.”

    The Bottom Line:

    The Budget Committee has and will continue to pursue answers from DHS and will stop at nothing to ensure that all American Citizens are safe. The primary duty of the Federal Government is to support the common defense. The Biden administration has failed in its most basic duties. Our southern border is being invaded, fentanyl is flooding our streets, and taxpayers are paying for it. 

    Americans will have the chance to right these wrong on the border in November. Until then, House Republicans will continue to bring this crisis to the forefront of our efforts to protect the national security of our great nation.

    Chairman Arrington, House Budget Republicans will not stop fighting until our border is secure:

    Click HERE for our first letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 

    Click HERE for our second letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 

    Click HERE to read an overview of what Chairman Arrington requests in these letters. 

    Click HERE for our “Cost of.. Biden’s Weak National Security Policies”

    Click HERE for our “Cost of… Biden’s Border Crisis.”

    Click HERE to read “The Costly Border Crisis.”