December 11, 2023
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  • ICYMI: House Republicans Once Again Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Biden’s Relentless Student Loan Ploys

    When it comes to “cancelling” student loan debt, President Biden won’t take “no” for an answer—from U.S. taxpayers, from the Supreme Court, or from Congress.

    The Biden Administration’s wish is NOT our command. House Republicans passed a measure last week to block the President’s latest $475 billion student loan giveaway. 

    See more information on House Republicans’ Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution from Roll Call.  

    Word on the Street Via Roll Call:

    • “The House passed a measure Thursday to block implementation of a new Biden administration student loan repayment option tied to income."
    • “The joint resolution under the Congressional Review Act would disapprove of an Education Department rule that includes family size and income in calculating the amount borrowers must repay. The option would allow borrowers who have earnings of less than $15 per hour to pay $0.”  
    • “This new regulation, ironically dubbed the ‘SAVE’ plan, is the most expensive regulation in our nation’s history, and is a backdoor attempt to ram the administration’s socialist free college fantasy down the throats of hard-working taxpayers,”Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., said on the House floor ahead of the 210-189 vote Thursday. Not only does this plan shift the cost of loans from the borrower, the person who actually took out the loan, it shifts the cost to the person who never took the loan out to begin with, the taxpayer … but it also will make college more expensive.”


    The Bottom Line:

    As House Education and Workforce Chairman Virginia Foxx said in a statement last week, “Let’s make one thing perfectly clear: the so-called ‘SAVE’ plan is President Biden’s game of  ruling by executive decree and pinning the tab on the taxpayer…This plan isn’t about helping borrowers, and it sure isn’t protecting taxpayers. It’s about an upcoming election and an administration dead set on using the executive pen to reshape our country. That’s the stone-cold truth of the matter.”

    When it comes to protecting U.S. taxpayers from the Biden administration’s out of touch and wasteful socialist schemes, this isn’t House Republicans’ first rodeo—and it won’t be the last. 

    House Budget Committee Republicans are on a mission to restore fiscal sanity to Washington, D.C., and bring House Democrats’ out of control spending back to earth. And with a nearly $34 trillion debt staring us in the face, there’s no time to waste. It’s time to reverse the curse.