December 07, 2023

ICYMI: Task Force Chairman Jack Bergman Calls for More Oversight into Biden’s Rapidly Expanding Big Government

Our federal government has never been larger—or less honest about how it spends your money. The House Budget Committee’s Oversight Task Force is on a mission to restore accountability, transparency, and program integrity to Washington’s spending habits.

Earlier this week, Oversight Task Force Chairman Jack Bergman (R-MI) published an op-ed in The Hill sounding the alarm on the need for additional oversight toward the Biden Administration’s massive growth of government. 

Word on the Street via The Hill

  • “President Biden has driven us to the budgetary brink. And while the fiscal state of our union is dire, it is not unfixable. But we need to get to work.”
  • “As Chairman of the House Budget Committee’s Oversight Task Force, I am determined to bring transparency to the American people and begin to reverse the curse of our massive spending problem. It starts with better oversight.”
  • “In just a few years, legislation signed by President Biden has increased spending by $6 trillion with little oversight, accountability, or transparency.”
  • “Since President Biden took office, government-wide projected ten-year outlays have increased from $61.2 trillion to over $80 trillion or by 30.8 percent, marking a 10 percent jump in outlays as a percentage of GDP.”
  • “As a result of this massive run-up in debt and deficits, combined with the recent surge in interest rates, the cost to finance the debt has increased by $6 trillion, or by 131.9 percent over the next decade.”

  • “America has a spending problem, and the current administration has only made this problem worse. Washington must be more responsible with taxpayers’ hard-earned money. It begins with acknowledging the magnitude of our spending problem and providing the American people with the perspective and transparency they are entitled to. More aggressive oversight, like that which we plan to do at the House Budget Committee, is the first step to do just that.” 

The Bottom Line: 

In just three years, President Biden has spent over $11 trillion—pushing America’s fiscal standing from dire to worse and supersizing the federal government in the process. Congressional Democrats and the White House have continuously wasted Americans’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars with partisan bills, executive actions, and other poor economic decisions, and we have more than had enough.

The Oversight Task Force is leading House Budget Committee’s efforts in exposing and rooting out costly government waste. Together, we can restore fiscal sanity to our nation’s capital. 

Have you encountered wrongdoing concerning federal spending, fiscal management, or any other dealings with the federal budget? The Task Force has published a formal Request for Information in addition to a whistleblower portal to encourage federal employees and U.S. citizens to bring forth any budgetary malfeasance. 

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