June 27, 2023

Latinos Aren’t Sold on Bidenomics

Latinos are raising serious concerns about Biden’s failed economic policies. According to a new story released today by The Messenger, progressive pollsters are warning the White House that Latino workers in the Southwest are sounding the alarm on President Biden’s lackluster economic performance.

“The economy is the most important thing” to Latinos said Tory Gavito, president of the liberal group “Way to Win”. “There’s no single, easily repeatable statement that Democrats are driving on what Biden has accomplished the last few years.”

A strong economy is central to these workers. But Latinos are having trouble identifying how the current President’s agenda has improved their lives. 

Latinos Don’t Trust Biden on the Economy:

As The Messenger reported:

  • “A pivotal Democratic group is sounding the alarm after focus groups of Latino voters in two key battleground states found President Joe Biden in a worse position than in 2020, in research first provided to The Messenger.”
  • “The findings by Way to Win…found that Biden and the party have two ‘significant vulnerabilities’ with Latino voters on the economy and crime in Arizona and Nevada.”
  • “Among 60 voters in focus groups — 30 each in Arizona and Nevada, evenly split among Spanish and English-speakers — 16 said the economy, prices and jobs was the most important issue in Arizona, and 21 said so in Nevada.”

Wages, Inflation Continue to Sting:

Latino workers The Messenger spoke with confirmed that Bidenomics isn’t creating a rosy economy:

  • “’As bills become greater, my minimum wage stays constant and I will have to continue contributing a greater amount of my check to necessities.’ said Rodrigo G. from Nevada.”
  • “’It affects the cost of living because everything is expensive and things are getting worse,’ added Helmut R. from Nevada, in Spanish. ‘The cost of living rises and rises.’”
  • “Asked ‘Is there anything that President Biden has done that has been particularly helpful to you or your family?’ the representative quotes were eye-opening. ‘No.’ ‘Nada.’ ‘Nothing.’ ‘Ninguno.’”

A Reality Check on Bidenomics:

This week, the White House circulated a slide deck to Hill Democrats riddled with inaccuracies, false statements, and misleading information about Biden’s record on the economy. The President’s numbers don’t add up.

  • Lackluster job growth: Job growth under Biden is still not back to the pre-pandemic pace our economy was on.
  • Weaker labor force participation: The labor force participation rate was stronger under President Trump.
  • High prices continue to hurt families: Inflation is multiple percentage points higher than where the Federal Reserve says it should be.
  • Trillion-dollar deficits continue to rise: Reckless spending by President Biden continues to drive out-of-control deficits.
  • We may already be in a recession: According to a recent report by Heritage, “the latest economic data show the economy might be doing a ‘double dip,’ where a recession is followed by a brief period of growth and then another recession.”

The Bottom Line: Americans aren’t sold on Bidenomics, and the President’s reckless spending spree will continue to harm workers across the country.

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