January 05, 2024
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  • Oversight Task Force Requests Information on Administrative Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Provision

    WASHINGTON D.C.- Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Oversight Task Force Chairman Jack Bergman (R-MI) sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), requesting a supplemental report on the implementation of the Fiscal Responsibility Act’s (FRA) Administrative PAYGO provision. 

    The letter asks the government watchdog to explore the following issues, including:

    • How many rules would qualify under the current Administrative PAYGO provision since President Biden took office; and
    • Any estimates detailing the Office of Management and Budget’s projections for the 28 economically significant or major rules since the FRA was enacted. 

    The intention of Administrative PAYGO is supposed to rein in Executive Branch spending and bring more transparency to the American public. The House Budget Committee and Oversight Task Force will continue down this much-needed path of oversight to ensure Congress is not being circumvented and the federal government is doing all it can to promote fiscal responsibility. 

    See HERE for an Administrative PAYGO explainer prepared by House Budget Committee staff.

    See HERE for Chairman Arrington’s statement on GAO’s initial report on Administrative PAYGO implementation.

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