Smith Marks 500 Days of Waste from Democrats’ $2 Trillion “Rescue Plan”
On February 19, 2021, President Biden defended the size of the Democrats’ $2 trillion American Rescue Plan by asking: “What would they have me cut? What would they have me leave out?” For the last 500 days, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) has been documenting the massive trail of waste, fraud, and abuse left behind by the $2 trillion Democrats shoved out the door under the guise of COVID – when at the time $1 trillion in already enacted COVID-related funding remained. To mark the 500 days since the American Rescue Plan unleashed a torrent of waste, fraud, and abuse of American taxpayer dollars, and took inflation from 1.7% to 13.7% since Joe Biden became President, Smith is calling attention to some of the lowlights:

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Background When Democrats were rushing to pass the bill in February 2021, they swore up and down that its only purpose was to beat COVID. Yet, as it would turn out, less than 9 percent of the bill went to fight COVID through public health spending. Billions were wasted on pet projects that did nothing to fight COVID – from $140 million for a luxury hotel in Florida to $5 million for moonshine walking trails in North Carolina. Meanwhile the spending spree sparked the highest spike in prices in 40 years that is crushing families and has led to the fastest rise in interest rates in 40 years and a recession. Recent Examples of Waste from the American Rescue Plan- What Would They Have Me Cut: Billion Dollar Blunder
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