What Would They Have Me Cut

News Releases Group Dates
News Releases Dates
News Releases Titles
March 2022
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Spa Treatment
What Would They Have Me Cut: Free Wheeling Spending
American Rescue Plan 1-Year Review
What Would They Have Me Cut: One for the Books
February 2022
What Would They Have Me Cut: Funding Putin's War
What Would They Have Me Cut: The $30 Billion
What Would They Have Me Cut: The $276
What Would They Have Me Cut: Rewriting the Rules
January 2022
What Would They Have Me Cut: Flock of Spending
What Would They Have Me Cut: Solyndra 2.0
What Would They Have Me Cut: Predictable Payments to Prisoners
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Revival
December 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Diversion
What Would They Have Me Cut: Deja Vu
What Would They Have Me Cut: A Shameless Lack of Oversight
What Would They Have Me Cut - The Electric Pipedream
November 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Bureaucracy
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Gimmicks
What Would They Have Me Cut: All the Salt
October 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: Help Wanted Signs
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