What Would They Have Me Cut

News Releases Group Dates
News Releases Dates
News Releases Titles
October 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: Fumbled Priorities
What Would They Have Me Cut: A Big Swing
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Malarkey
September 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: Living in Luxury
What Would They Have Me Cut: Tax Pledge Up in Smoke
What Would They Have Me Cut: Talking Points
What Would They Have Me Cut: A Wave of Waste
August 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: Cash Flowing Fast
What Would They Have Me Cut: Something Fishy
What Would They Have Me Cut: A Flagrant Foul
What Would They Have Me Cut: Money to Grow Trees
July 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: The Overhead
What Would They Have Me Cut: Stop Before You Hurt Working Families Further
What Would They Have Me Cut: Playing Games with Taxpayer Dollars
What Would They Have Me Cut: State Spending Sprees
What Would They Have Me Cut: The $164 Million Cart Before the Horse
June 2021
What Would They Have Me Cut: Payments to Prisoners
What Would They Have Me Cut: A Trail of Waste
What Would They Have Me Cut: From the Treasury to Tokyo
What Would They Have Met Cut: Sound Familiar?
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