November 14, 2023

ICYMI: Chairman Arrington Joins Mornings With Maria to Discuss Speaker Johnson’s Two-Step CR Plan

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business to Discuss Speaker Johnson’s two-step continuing resolution to keep the government funded and avoid a government shutdown. 

Chairman Arrington on the Laddered CR:

“First, we need the new speaker who's been on the job all of two weeks to have the runway to finalize our funding package, to take the fight to the Democrats and start that negotiation. And then most importantly, make our case to the American people that we have a woke and weaponized bureaucracy that needs to be reined in, we need to reduce spending, and we need to secure the border, we just need to be on a different track altogether. And then finally, the sort of two-step process, we need to break this up into chunks that are digestible, because we have to have meaningful debate."

“Starting with the least controversial things, building momentum, so that we can end up with a responsible funding package, I think is the right approach. And I applaud speaker Johnson for not only doing that Maria, but establishing a new precedent that we will restore fiscal sanity in this town by paying for the emergency supplemental in the Israeli assistance bill."

Chairman Arrington on Those Opposed to the Laddered CR:

“We're going to have to fight to use the power of the purse effectively to reduce spending to secure the border and change. The policies currently that are failing this country, as I mentioned before, no doubt about that, there'll be a fight. But we need to pick the time and conditions of our choosing to have that fight.”

“You just talked about trying to do something in the middle of a holiday. That's a that's a recipe for getting jammed by the Democrats with an omnibus, which has failed us for decades.”

Chairman on the Debt:

“We have to be able to walk before we run. Discretionary spending, as you know, is only a third of the budget, the two thirds of our budget is on auto spend, we have to do this well, and be faithful in the small thing so that we can focus on the greater driver of the debt, which is mandatory spending, welfare, and health care. We need to bring the improper payments to fraud, which is $2 trillion over 10 years down. That's why I have a balanced budget that reduces the spin by $16 trillion. It reduces our debt to GDP by 50 points. That blueprint is what we have to focus on, if we're serious about staving off a debt crisis and causing irreparable harm to this great country of ours and our children's future.”

Chairman Arrington Joins Mornings With Maria to Discuss Speaker Johnson’s Two-Step CR

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