November 08, 2023
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  • Numbers Don’t Lie: Americans Aren’t Buying Bidenomics

    Bidenomics is not working, and Americans know it because they feel the pinch in their pocketbooks every day.

    Instead of doing what the American people have had to do—tighten their belts and change their spending habits—President Biden is trying to change Americans’ sour opinion of Bidenomics so he can keep his foot on the gas pedal and spend us into an even deeper hole.

    Try as they might, the White House is failing to consider one important factor in their economic messaging: the truth.

    New data from the Winston Group on how economic messaging is being received shows us how Americans really feel about Bidenomics. The results should come as no surprise—Americans are too smart to buy the lies the Administration is selling, especially when compared to the real solutions Republicans are bringing to the table.

    Word on the Street:

    Via Winston Group

    • “In the Biden ad, 1 in 3 voters (35%) believed none of the ad’s statements…In contrast, almost half the electorate (47%) believed 4 or more of the Republican ad statements. Given the greater level of believable statements, the Republican ad significantly outperformed the Biden ad.

    • “On a scale of 1-9 with 1 being much less favorable, 5 neutral, 9 much more favorable, the Biden ad ended at a flat result of 5.0.”

    • “Another remarkable outcome is that the Republican ad beat the Biden ad by more than a point among independents…There were also notable differences in the performance of the Republican ad among suburban women (5.8 for the GOP ad, 5.2 for the Biden ad) and millennial/Gen Z (5.9 for the GOP ad, 5.1 for the Biden ad).”

    • “The performance of the Republican ad over the Biden ad is rooted in the believability of the statements and that it defines a solution.”

    The Bottom Line:

    Americans aren’t buying what the President is selling, and they shouldn’t: Bidenomics is hurting Americans.

    Under President Biden, the average American family of four spends approximately $15,107 per year, or $1,259 per month, more to purchase the same goods and services compared to when he took office.

    A thirty second ad isn’t going to fix our economy, help the middle class or reverse the curse of President Biden and the Democrats’ inflationary government spending—but new leadership will.

    House Budget Republicans’ budget resolution is a repudiation of the Biden Administration’s Build-Back-BROKE Bidenomics agenda blowing up costs and bankrupting America’s future.

    Americans don’t have to live under the crushing weight of Bidenomics—House Republicans are working to flip the script and bring fiscal sanity back to Washington.

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