Press Releases

October 19, 2023

House Budget Committee to Hold Hearing Examining Need for Fiscal Commission

Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-PA), and Members of the House Budget Committee will hold a hearing to examine the need for a bipartisan commission to address the pressing fiscal issues of our time. Ahead of the hearing, Chairman Arrington released the following statement:  “We must address our unsustainable national debt and understand its principal drivers. The lack of urgency around the insolvency of critical programs is an unconscionable abdication of … Continue Reading

October 16, 2023

Health Care Task Force Chair Burgess Applauds Stakeholder Input

House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force Chair Michael Burgess, M.D. applauds the input submitted by over 170 individuals and stakeholders to the Request for Information (RFI) that will help shape the panel’s work.Health Care Task Force Chair Burgess released the following quote:"I look forward to upcoming discussions, fueled by the invaluable suggestions we've gathered through the RFI process. From big stakeholder groups and renowned academic medical centers to small, independent … Continue Reading

October 13, 2023

Chairman Arrington, Representative Bergman Launch Budget Committee Oversight Task Force

The Panel Will Work to Bring Accountability, Transparency, and Program Integrity to Washington’s Out-Of-Control SpendingHouse Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Budget Committee Member Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI) launched a new Budget Committee Oversight Task Force, which will be chaired by Representative Bergman. Today, Oversight Task Force Chair Bergman published an opinion piece in The Hill, highlighting the need for fiscal transparency and responsibility throughout … Continue Reading

October 12, 2023

Families Crushed as Biden’s Total Inflation Breaks 17%

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the following statement after the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for September stated inflation grew at a rate of 3.7 percent and cumulative inflation under President Biden grew to a staggering 17.1 percent:  “Hardworking families are being crushed by President Biden’s inflation-inducing fiscal policies. Today, a family of four is paying $15,133 per year, or $1,261 per month, more to purchase the same goods and services … Continue Reading

October 10, 2023

IT JUST GETS WORSE: Spending is High, Interest Costs are Soaring, The Debt is Ballooning, According to New CBO Report

This afternoon, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released the monthly budget review for September 2023. According to the report, spending levels are higher than last year and revenues are lower, meaning substantial growth of the national debt. Some key number breakdowns include: National Debt: $33.5 trillion FY23 Deficit: $1.7 trillion ($314 billion - or 23 percent - higher than last year) CBO further estimates that if the Administration’s plan for student loan … Continue Reading

October 09, 2023

BIDEN’S COSTLY POLICIES: How Biden’s Foreign Policy Failures Jeopardize Global Financial Security

The reckless foreign policy pushed by the Biden Administration has weakened our standing and emboldened our enemies. The botched Afghanistan withdrawal left over $7 billion worth of taxpayer-funded equipment, munitions, and military assets in the hands of the Taliban. The White House chose to resume sending financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority, resulting in over $200 million going directly to Gaza and the West Bank. The President’s failed policies have created an economic and … Continue Reading

October 05, 2023

UN-BREAK MY HEART: The Left Starts Ditching Bidenomics

President Biden wants us to believe that the term ‘Bidenomics’ indicates a record of economic success. But, after nearly three years of record inflation and interest rates that continue to climb, the American people just aren’t buying it. An NBC poll last week showed only 28 percent of Americans say they are “very” or “somewhat satisfied” with the economy.Can you blame them? Commodity prices are going up, forcing families to choose between putting food on the table or gas in the car. The … Continue Reading

October 04, 2023

Two-Year Anniversary of $300B Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) Expansion, Biden Continues to Circumvent Congress

This week marks the two-year anniversary of Biden’s $300 billion Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) expansion. TFP is just one of many examples of how the Biden administration has circumvented Congress to force a wasteful spending agenda on the American people.Background:For nearly 50 years, the TFP remained cost-neutral on an inflation adjusted basis. The 2018 Farm Bill’s language requires the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reevaluate the TFP by “2022 and at 5-year intervals … Continue Reading

September 27, 2023


Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) unveiled the FY24-FY33 Budget Resolution blueprint entitled “Reverse the Curse: The Plan to Restore Fiscal Responsibility, Economic Freedom, and Prosperity in America.”Washington insiders doubted the Committee from the beginning. The pundits and cable news talking heads balked at the idea of balancing in ten. Last week, the Committee proved them wrong and passed the FY24-FY33 budget resolution by a vote of 20-14.The Reverse the … Continue Reading

September 27, 2023


Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) issued the following statement after the Conference Board released its Consumer Confidence report for September 2023, which showed consumer sentiment drop for the second consecutive month, and found that Americans’ expectations of a recession in the next 12 months increased: “Hardworking Americans are feeling the pain of crushing inflation and insurmountable debt, and they only have one group of people to blame: Congressional … Continue Reading

September 20, 2023


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the House Budget Committee passed the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY2024-FY2033, which would reduce the deficit by $16 trillion and balance the federal budget in 10 years. The budget resolution was passed out of Committee by a vote of 20-14. Upon passage of the resolution, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) said: “Today, the House took the first step in ‘reversing the curse’ and restoring America’s fiscal sanity by passing our resolution to balance the budget … Continue Reading

September 20, 2023

Chairman Arrington Delivers Opening Statement as Committee Considers Budget Resolution

Washington - Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered the following opening remarks at the markup of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY2024-FY2033. This plan restores fiscal responsibility, economic freedom, and prosperity in America. Chairman Arrington’s remarks as prepared for delivery:I want to thank all my fellow committee members for a great start to this Congress.I think the Ranking Member and I agree that we want this committee to be a place … Continue Reading

September 20, 2023


Washington’s bureaucratic, big government spending has gone for long enough.It is time to SOUND THE ALARM about the danger out-of-control spending and unsustainable debt poses to our country and our children’s future.Over the next decade, our annual deficits will double, and U.S. interest payments will triple. Our national debt has ballooned to $33 trillion—equivalent to more than $200,000 of debt per taxpayer—totaling the highest debt-to-GDP ratio since the Second World War. Today, House … Continue Reading

September 19, 2023

House Republicans Unveil Balanced Budget Resolution

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the committee’s FY2024- FY2033 budget resolution, “Reverse the Curse.” The budget resolution balances the federal budget in 10 years and reduces deficits by $16.3 trillion over that same timeframe, resulting in a $130 billion surplus by FY2033. Our budget focuses on restoring America’s fiscal health by right sizing the bloated bureaucracy, reversing Biden’s spending spree, reining in runaway mandatory spending, rooting out … Continue Reading

September 13, 2023

Americans' Incomes Fall for Second Year during the Biden Administration

Due to President Biden’s reckless spending and failed economic policies, real median household income has declined for the third year in a row as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The Details: Real Median Household Income declined last year, falling from $76,330 to $74,580 in 2022-dollar terms. To put this in perspective, we haven’t seen this level of decline since the Great Recession of 2008. Specifically, the report finds: Real median earnings declined by 2.2 percent over the same … Continue Reading

September 12, 2023

Arrington to Mayorkas: Show us the Money

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas today, highlighting the devastating impact the crisis at the border is having on communities across the country and asking him to provide an accounting of DHS expenditures to address the influx of migrants at the southwest border.  Specifically, the letter asks the Secretary the following questions: Since you became Secretary, what has the Department of … Continue Reading

September 01, 2023

Chairman Arrington on August Jobs Report

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its jobs report for August 2023, which showed unemployment rise to 3.8% and a downward revision in jobs over the last few months:"America’s families and small businesses are still feeling the squeeze of Washington’s reckless tax-and-spend policies. Prices are going up, the cost of doing business is going up, and it’s becoming more expensive for companies to … Continue Reading

August 30, 2023

Two Years Later: The Federal Budget Impact of the Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

Two years ago today, 13 brave servicemembers were killed catastrophically by a suicide bomber amid President Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Their needless deaths serve as a stark and solemn reminder of the importance of American leadership and what we stand to lose in the absence of it. After the withdrawal, President Biden remarked that the mission was an “extraordinary success,” underscoring the President’s lack of foresight and his inability to put … Continue Reading

August 25, 2023

Chairman Arrington, Rep. Burgess Launch Budget Committee Health Care Task Force

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Budget Committee Member Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) today announced that the Committee has launched a new Budget Committee Health Care Task Force, which will be led by Rep. Burgess. Earlier this week, Arrington and Burgess published an opinion piece in The Hill highlighting how the recent U.S. credit downgrade and runaway health care spending makes this Task Force even more vital.  The goal of this … Continue Reading

August 16, 2023

Chairman Arrington on Anniversary of the Democrats' ‘Deficit Production Act’

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the following statement on the anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act: “Happy anniversary to the wealthy EV owners, green energy corporations with over $1 billion in profit, and the Chinese who are making tens of billions from supplying critical minerals to the U.S.--compliments of the hard-working, taxpaying Americans who can’t even afford gas or groceries for their families."Background: The IRA's … Continue Reading

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