December 20, 2023

ICYMI: She’s Making a List and Checking it Twice - Senator Ernst Sounds the Alarm on Biden Bureaucrats’ Work-From-Wherever Waste

Based on a new report requested from a government watchdog, Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) recently unveiled her “Naughty List of No Shows” that uncovers Biden bureaucrats’ flagrant waste of taxpayer dollars on nearly vacant federal buildings.  Her list exposes that nearly four years after the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily closed federal buildings, not a single government agency is occupying even half their office space. This comes despite the fact that the same federal buildings are still being … Continue Reading

December 19, 2023

ICYMI: Epoch Times: Chairman Jodey Arrington is “The Man With The Mission to End Washington’s Spending Addiction”

As our nation stares down $34 trillion in national debt, Americans are facing the cost of Democrats’ reckless runaway spending. The debt is contributing to crippling inflation, lower take home pay, and causing sweeping economic malaise. After years of Washington policymakers’ addiction to spending, the House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) is sounding the alarm on Congress’ broken budget process and fighting to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington, D.C. Via Epoch … Continue Reading

December 19, 2023

ICYMI: Chairman Arrington, Oversight Task Force Chair Bergman Publish Op-Ed on Fiscal Sanity in Foreign Aid

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago, Congress has provided $114 billion in funding to Ukraine, and even more taxpayer dollars in repurposed, transferred, and reprogramed funds.  Despite the transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars in aid—and no transparency, accounting of how money has been used thus far, or indication the war in Ukraine is winding down—additional funding relief continues to be asked of Congressional lawmakers and the American taxpayer.  House Budget … Continue Reading

December 14, 2023

Chairman Arrington Joins Squawk Box to Break Down Border and Ukraine Funding Fight

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “Squawk Box” on CNBC to discuss the latest on foreign aid spending negotiations, including House Republicans’ fight to secure the U.S. southern border.    Click HERE to watch the full interview.  Chairman Arrington on Ukraine  “We need clear strategies, we need an end game, we need to define success [in Ukraine]. And I sent a letter to OMB Director Young, well over 30 days ago—I think she's weeks overdue to respond—to give us a … Continue Reading

December 13, 2023

The Cost of Crime Strikes Again

Today, the owners of the Washington Wizards and the Washington Capitals, alongside Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, declared a bold move: the teams and their headquarters are crossing the river to Alexandria, VA, bidding farewell to their longtime homes in Washington, D.C. The $2 billion undertaking will rake in revenue for northern Virginia communities and create a projected 30,000 Virginia jobs—while also dealing a blow to D.C.’s already struggling downtown scene.  While this move away … Continue Reading

December 13, 2023

The Fiscal Grinch is Here: Bidenomics Forcing Americans to Forgo Holiday Traditions

While the holiday season is supposed to bring joy and togetherness among American friends and families, Bidenomics is squashing the laughter and the cheers under the weight of its glum reality. A new report from Fox News describes how Bidenomics has resulted in Americans skipping out on buying Christmas gifts and partaking in holiday traditions this year. Word on the Street Via Fox News: ·      “Some Americans are feeling the effects of inflation heading into the holiday season, according to … Continue Reading

December 13, 2023

Member Day Hearing Features Ideas on Reforming the Broken Budget Process

Last week, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-PA), and House Budget Process Reform Task Force Chair Rudy Yakym (R-IN) held a Member Day Hearing to solicit ideas on how to reform Washington’s broken budget process. The Committee received testimony from 11 Members of Congress, including 10 off-Committee Members. Word on the Street: Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered his opening statements for the Member Day Hearing, underscoring how the budget process has … Continue Reading

December 11, 2023

ICYMI: House Republicans Once Again Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Biden’s Relentless Student Loan Ploys

When it comes to “cancelling” student loan debt, President Biden won’t take “no” for an answer—from U.S. taxpayers, from the Supreme Court, or from Congress.The Biden Administration’s wish is NOT our command. House Republicans passed a measure last week to block the President’s latest $475 billion student loan giveaway. See more information on House Republicans’ Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution from Roll Call.   Word on the Street Via Roll Call: “The House passed a measure … Continue Reading

December 07, 2023

ICYMI: Task Force Chairman Jack Bergman Calls for More Oversight into Biden’s Rapidly Expanding Big Government

Our federal government has never been larger—or less honest about how it spends your money. The House Budget Committee’s Oversight Task Force is on a mission to restore accountability, transparency, and program integrity to Washington’s spending habits.Earlier this week, Oversight Task Force Chairman Jack Bergman (R-MI) published an op-ed in The Hill sounding the alarm on the need for additional oversight toward the Biden Administration’s massive growth of government.  Word on the Street via … Continue Reading

December 05, 2023

Chairman Arrington Talks National Security Funding on Mornings with Maria

House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business to discuss national security funding, including the importance of tying border security funding together with overall defense spending and ensuring greater transparency and accountability on foreign assistance.   Chairman Arrington on Congress’ Duty to the American People  “That's why the American people, Maria, gave Republicans the majority in the House: to use the power of subpoena and the … Continue Reading

December 04, 2023

Two Years, Zero EV’s President Biden Can’t Buy Us Out of This Mess

In December 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration boasted ambitious plans to encourage electric vehicle sales and manufacturing in the United States. The $7.5 billion plan came with promises of clean transportation accessibility and 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations across the country. Two years later, the American people are left with no chargers and wondering where their hard-earned dollars are going. Word on the Street:  Via Politico Pro:  States and the charger industry blame … Continue Reading

November 30, 2023

ICYMI: Bipartisan Voices for a Fiscal Commission

This week, the House Budget Committee held a hearing evaluating several legislative proposals to create a fiscal commission to address our nation’s unprecedented economic challenges. The hearing brought together sponsors of both House and Senate bills, platforming bipartisan, bicameral perspectives.  Word on the Street: Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) delivered opening remarks stating that the debt is the greatest challenge facing our nation. The Chairman called for bipartisan support for … Continue Reading

November 28, 2023

“Health on the Hill” Podcast Highlights Budget’s Health Care Task Force Letter to CBO on Drug Development Analysis

“Health on the Hill” Podcast Highlights Budget’s Health Care Task Force Letter to CBO on Drug Development Analysis This Sunday, November 26th the “Health on the Hill” Podcast highlighted a recent letter led by House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey C. Arrington (R-TX) and Health Care Task Force Chair Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that requests more information on how the nonpartisan office analyzes the effects of legislation that impacts drug … Continue Reading

November 21, 2023

ICYMI: President of Paragon Institute Reviews CBO Annual Report of Federal Health Insurance Subsides, Highlights Need for Change of Direction in Health Policy

In September 2023, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its annual report entitled, Federal Subsidies for Health Insurance: 2023 to 2033, detailing how the federal government subsidizes health care coverage—and the coinciding, projected cost estimates— for the U.S. populous younger than 65 years old.  Following CBO’s publication, Brian Blase, President of Paragon Health Institute, penned an analysis of the report with Health Affairs that sounds the alarm about CBO’s … Continue Reading

November 20, 2023

ICYMI: Chairman Arrington, Budget Process Reform Task Force Chair Yakym: "We Must Change Washington’s Broken Budget Process"

Following the launch of our Committee’s Budget Process Reform Task Force, Task Force Chair Rudy Yakym (R-IN) and House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington published an op-ed in the Washington Examiner outlining why we need meaningful change in the budget process and their ideas for how to bring responsibility, transparency, and accountability into the equation.Word on the Street Via Washington Examiner: “America’s long-term future—the strength of our economy, the health of our democracy, … Continue Reading

November 16, 2023

ICYMI: Chickens Coming Home To Roost: Interest on the Debt Poses Unprecedented Global Threat

The U.S. federal government’s massive spending binge is unsustainable, and American families will be left to pay the tab. Americans are now saddled with a $33.7 trillion-dollar debt in the face of rising interest costs and unabated government spending. The Wall Street Journal sounded the alarm on how countries are struggling to keep up with steep debt servicing costs and why U.S. debt sets our fiscal challenges apart from the rest of the world.   Word on the Street  Via Wall Street … Continue Reading

November 15, 2023

ICYMI: The Costly Border Crisis

The House Committee on Homeland Security led by Chairman Mark. E. Green unveiled an interim report on the “fourth phase” of the Committee’s comprehensive oversight investigation examining the crisis at the Southern border. Further analyzing the policies of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the report is aimed at the direction of unpacking our exacerbated border crisis.Word on the Street Via House Committee on Homeland Security: “’It is unconscionable for Secretary Mayorkas and … Continue Reading

November 14, 2023

ICYMI: Chairman Arrington Joins Mornings With Maria to Discuss Speaker Johnson’s Two-Step CR Plan

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business to Discuss Speaker Johnson’s two-step continuing resolution to keep the government funded and avoid a government shutdown. Chairman Arrington on the Laddered CR:“First, we need the new speaker who's been on the job all of two weeks to have the runway to finalize our funding package, to take the fight to the Democrats and start that negotiation. And then most importantly, make our case to … Continue Reading

November 08, 2023

Numbers Don’t Lie: Americans Aren’t Buying Bidenomics

Bidenomics is not working, and Americans know it because they feel the pinch in their pocketbooks every day. Instead of doing what the American people have had to do—tighten their belts and change their spending habits—President Biden is trying to change Americans’ sour opinion of Bidenomics so he can keep his foot on the gas pedal and spend us into an even deeper hole. Try as they might, the White House is failing to consider one important factor in their economic messaging: the truth. … Continue Reading

November 07, 2023

ICYMI: New Study Reveals Medicare Site-Neutral Policies Lower Costs for Cancer Patients and Reduce Federal Spending

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS-CAN) released a study showing that equalizing payments for Medicare services regardless of the site of care through site-neutral payments would lower out-of-pocket costs for seniors with cancer and decrease Medicare spending. The House Republican Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 “Reverse the Curse” Budget Resolution included a policy option that would equalize Medicare payments regardless of the site of care, reducing out-of-pocket costs for seniors … Continue Reading

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