Press Releases

February 07, 2023

Chairman Arrington Announces Budget Committee Roster

WASHINGTON - Today, Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) announced the Republican committee roster for the 118th Congress. “I’m proud to serve alongside such a talented group of public servants whose unwavering commitment is to rein-in spending, reduce the national debt, and restore fiscal accountability to Congress. “My colleagues come from different backgrounds and have a variety of experiences, but all hold fast to a common mission - to steward taxpayer resources in a way that … Continue Reading

January 13, 2023

Chairman Arrington: We Will Not Let Politicians Bankrupt Our Country and Destroy Our Children's Future

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) released the following statement in response to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's letter to Congress on the debt limit: “We will pay our creditors and protect the good faith and credit of the U.S., but we will not let politicians bankrupt our country and destroy our children’s future. No new credit cards until Democrats agree to spending constraints and other fiscal … Continue Reading

January 10, 2023

Arrington Selected to Serve as Chair of House Budget Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Yesterday, Representative Jodey Arrington (TX-19) released the following statement after being selected to serve as the Chairman of the House Budget Committee for the 118th Congress: “I am humbled by the confidence and trust of my colleagues to lead the effort to rein-in spending, reduce our debt, and restore fiscal responsibility in our nation’s capital as Chairman of the House Budget Committee. “With the national debt surpassing $31 trillion and over 120% of our … Continue Reading

January 02, 2023

Smith: 118th Congress House Rules Package Reflects Commitment to Restoring Fiscal Sanity, Accountability in Washington

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) applauded the introduction of a package of budgetary related rules to govern proceedings in the U.S. House of Representatives for the 118th Congress. The House Rules package proposes a number of specific policies to enforce fiscal discipline in Congress while eliminating previous provisions authored by House Democrats which made it easier to rapidly increase spending of taxpayer dollars in the 116th & … Continue Reading

December 30, 2022

Democrat-Controlled 117th Congress Sets Records for Spending & Debt

WASHINGTON, D.C. - With the end of one-party Democrat rule in Washington, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement detailing the cost to the federal budget of one-party Democrat rule during the 117th Congress: “Democrats ended this Congress just as they began it, with President Biden and his allies ramming through a reckless $2 trillion spending bill. Over the last two years, the American people have seen their lives upended by one crisis … Continue Reading

December 28, 2022

Smith Op-Ed: Dems Put America On A Dangerous Path. Now, House Republicans Must Turn Things Around

By Rep. Jason Smith Daily CallerTwo years ago, Democrats began their one-party rule of Washington by passing a massive $2 trillion bill which led to the highest spike in prices in 40 years. That inflation crisis has now stolen nearly two months’ worth of pay from every working American since Joe Biden took the oath of office. With merely days left before Christmas, Democrats capped off their reign by spending yet another $2 trillion in a bill spread across 4,155 pages no lawmaker had a … Continue Reading

December 23, 2022

Democrats Push Another $2 trillion Spending Bill Before Turning Out the Lights on Their Majority

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Having begun the 117th Congress by passing a $2 trillion spending bill and sparking the worst inflation crisis in 40 years, Washington Democrats are ending their reign of one-party rule today by pushing another $2 trillion spending bill. The Democrats’ LATEST $2 Trillion Spending Bill: 9 percent ($131 billion) increase in base discretionary spending over FY 2022 – on top of the 7 percent increase in spending Democrats enacted last year. $20 billion … Continue Reading

December 22, 2022

Smith on Five-Year Anniversary of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Republican Tax Relief Delivered for American Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement to mark the five-year anniversary of President Trump signing into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA): “Thanks to Republican efforts and President Trump’s leadership, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act kept its promise to build a stronger, more prosperous nation where families and workers can chase the American Dream. The law was a huge win in particular for the working class: it … Continue Reading

December 21, 2022

Smith: Bloated Spending Bill Is Everything Americans Can't Stand About Washington

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement on the FY 2023 omnibus spending package to be voted on this week in Congress: “This massive $2 trillion year-end spending bill represents everything the American people can’t stand about Washington: more spending, more debt, more inflationary pressures spread across 4,155 pages. It will help extend President Biden’s record of increasing spending … Continue Reading

December 21, 2022

Smith-Bucshon Op-Ed: We need a rural health refocus

By Reps. Jason Smith and Larry Bucshon The Hill Despite improvements in the quality and delivery of health care in America, few in Washington comprehend the barriers to care rural Americans still suffer. Across the board, rural Americans face distinct health challenges compared to folks living in urban areas and are often sicker, spend more money on health care costs, and have access to fewer doctors and hospitals. We know this firsthand because we have seen it ourselves. We both grew up in … Continue Reading

December 14, 2022

Biden’s Latest Christmas Gift: Another Interest Rate Hike

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after the Federal Reserve continued its interest rate increases at the fastest rate in 40 years - raising interest rates by another 50 basis points, for a total increase of 4.25 percent, the seventh since March: “Today’s interest rate hike is President Biden’s latest Christmas gift to Americans. Family budgets this holiday season are already … Continue Reading

December 13, 2022

Smith: Thanks to Biden Inflation Crisis, Americans are Facing a Blue Christmas

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after the Consumer Price Index showed prices remaining at a 40-year high of 7.1 percent, with overall prices having risen 14.3 percent since Joe Biden became President: “Thanks to the spike in prices brought on by the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats’ reckless spending, Americans are bracing for a blue Christmas. The tree, the … Continue Reading

December 01, 2022

More Pain Ahead in Biden Economy, Congressional Scorekeeper Projects

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The American economy is projected to experience weaker growth, higher unemployment, higher inflation, and higher interest rates than previously estimated, according to an analysis released yesterday by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). When compared to CBO’s February 2021 baseline established when President Biden took office, economic and fiscal estimates have worsened dramatically after two years of one-party Democrat rule in Washington. House Budget Committee … Continue Reading

November 22, 2022

Biden Adds Another $25+ Billion to Taxpayers’ Tab, as White House Extends Student Loan Repayment Moratorium

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after it was reported that the Biden Administration will extend the COVID-era student loan repayment moratorium, which to-date has cost taxpayers more than $100 billion, until as late as June 2023 - at a potential cost to taxpayers of $25.8 billion - while the Administration’s broader student loan giveaway to the wealthy is being struck down in the courts: “President Biden is … Continue Reading

November 17, 2022

Smith, Foxx Demand Answers on Biden’s Student Loan Giveaway to the Wealthy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Following a court decision that struck down the Biden Administration’s executive order on student loans, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) and House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (NC-05) demanded answers from the Biden Administration over its student loan giveaway to the wealthy in a letter sent to White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Shalanda Young. The ranking members ordered the agency to … Continue Reading

November 10, 2022

Smith: We Must End Reckless Spending to Deliver a Stronger Economy, Lower the Cost of Living

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after the Consumer Price Index showed prices remaining at a 40-year high of 7.7 percent, with overall prices having risen 14.4 percent since Joe Biden became President: “Today’s inflation report underscores the pain and frustration the American people are feeling as a result of the radical, reckless spending passed by President Biden and his Democrat accomplices in Congress that … Continue Reading

November 08, 2022

Smith-Lummis Op-Ed: Congress must act to stop rising inflation

By Rep. Jason Smith and Sen. Cynthia Lummis The Hill Inflation is impacting every person in this country, particularly those of us living in the so-called “flyover” states like Wyoming and Missouri. Families are being forced to make difficult decisions about what to buy at the grocery store, what bills to pay each month, and what trips to take, if any. On average, inflation is costing people in Wyoming more than $9,900 per year, and Missourians $8,900. The Congressional Budget … Continue Reading

November 07, 2022

Smith Op-Ed: Joe Biden's inflation crisis is worse than Jimmy Carter's

By Rep. Jason Smith Fox NewsFor many Americans, the Biden Presidency has brought with it a feeling of déjá vu. Iran is back in the headlines, prices at the gas pump are causing sticker shock, and inflation is at the top of everyone’s minds. The last time inflation was this high was shortly after President Jimmy Carter left office, voted out by Americans fed up with seeing the value of their paychecks shrink every month. Joe Biden's presidency has frequently been compared … Continue Reading

November 04, 2022

Biden Plan Means Higher Gas Prices, New $62 Billion Tax On American Energy Producers

President Biden’s call for a windfall profits tax - his Administration’s latest attack on American energy that will drive up the price at the pump for American families - would impose a new $62.2 billion tax on American energy producers, according to a Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) analysis of such a proposal already introduced in Congress. JCT’s analysis also confirmed that such a proposal would harm domestic energy exploration by pushing jobs overseas and increase American dependence on … Continue Reading

November 02, 2022

Tax Scorekeeper Confirms Democrats' Partisan Child Tax Credit Policy Costs Taxpayers $1.4 Trillion, Reduces Economic Growth & Removes Workers

A permanent extension of the Democrats’ 2021 Child Tax Credit policy would cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion over the next decade, reduce economic growth, business investment, and labor force participation while resulting in higher inflation, according to a recent analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) released today by House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) and House Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady (TX-08). Recent reporting indicates … Continue Reading

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